On this joyful Sunday, we are called to rejoice in God’s love for us.“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (Jn 3:16) This famous verse is a summary of our cause for joy. If you have ever been to the Heinz History Center in downtown Pittsburgh and watched the video of the immaculate reception by Franco Harris, you will notice, in the crowd, a person holding a sign that says “John 3:16.”
That amazing football play, which is also displayed in a statue of Franco Harris at the Pittsburgh International Airport, pales infinitely in comparison to the ineffable joy we can experience because of Christ’s “win” over the evil one! Today, instead of moaning and groaning and listening to the negativity of the news and social media, let us focus on the countless blessings in our lives. Let us truly rejoice in the God of love and mercy. Let us examine, in our own lives, how God has and continues to bring about good even out of evil. There are countless reasons for us to rejoice with full confidence. A good spiritual exercise today might be to just take some time and make a list of all the blessings in your life. I am certain if everyone of us prayerfully reflects upon God’s abundant goodness to us, we will find our hearts and our burdens becoming lighter knowing that our Lord is with us and will never leave us to face our trials alone.
Speaking of rejoicing, give thanks to God for the spiritual growth within Holy Spirit Parish despite the many obstacles of the pandemic. From March 2020 through January, parents presented their babies to the parish for 56 baptisms. Last year, 85 children received the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, while 95 students received Confirmation. Last weekend, 86 children made their First Reconciliationand will be making their First Holy Communion and 71 students will be Confirmed this spring. In 2020,13 adults entered the Church through the R.C.I.A.program. This year, there are 5 catechumens and 6 candidates going through R.C.I.A. We are grateful for all these wonderful experiences of Christ’s love in our midst!