Anointing of the Sick is given by a priest to a baptized person who is sick or in danger of death due to old age. Many people receive the Sacrament before surgery or before receiving chemical or radiation therapies. In the case of someone seriously ill or old, you do not need to wait until the person is on his or her deathbed; it is better to do it sooner, so the person can experience the grace that comes with receiving the Sacrament which unites the sick person to Christ’s sufferings, gives strength, courage and peace to endure their suffering in a Christian way; and brings forgiveness of sins if the person is not able to receive the Sacrament of Confession.
Before any hospitalization, it is good to receive the sacrament.
If you would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick, you may ask a priest at any Mass and he will perform the sacrament before or after the Mass depending on the circumstance. You may also call the Parish Office to arrange to receive the sacrament.
The parish office number is 724-652-3422.
It is good and important to think about funeral planning ahead of time. It takes some of the stress off a very emotional time. Holy Spirit Parish has resources that will help plan a funeral. Click on the links below.
Parishioners who will undergo scheduled surgery or hospitalization are encouraged to receive the sacrament of anointing and healing prior to entering the hospital. Anointing is available after every weekend or weekday Mass. For a home or health care facility visit call the parish office, 724-652-3422, to arrange a visit.